Who is this guy anyway?

I am old enough to have used a 300baud accoustic coupler to connect to a local BBS to leave Fidonet messages.. but only just!

I consider myself very lucky to have grown up at about the same rate as modern technology and the internet (before it became synonymous with the world wide web). I know what Archie and Veronica are and I used Jughead. I was online the night Yahoo launched, though I was probably logged in to a MUD reading.

My childhood was spent reading, learning, coding, gaming and most other things you can do on your own. I am very happy with only my own company, but love bouncing ideas off people when the feeling is right.

I started my working life with the PC boom, went through the craze of a midnight retail release for a bloody operating system, owned one of the very first CD Burners in my local area, and have managed to stay ahead of most technology curves my entire life. I am not scared by anything new, but I have also probably used the last 3 versions of it (since very little is truly new)

I have some pretty broad views on many topics, but am open minded enough to understand that I don't know everything, so am always interested in a challenge.

I am strongly committed to regional community, and firmly believe that helping people to access and use technology wherever they are is the most enabling thing we can do.

I have a freakish memory for details and rapidly become the goto person for problem solving in any organisation I'm involved in. I appreciate structure, but hate being constrained. I have respect for authority, but will happily break the rules that need to be broken. I can find you a solution to your problem, even if its the one you didn't think you needed.

If you think I might be able to help you out, please get in contact. I'm happy to work remotely for the right organisation.

“argue for your limitations and they are yours ”